

Video: Progress and Challenges in Achieving Sustainable, Deforestation-Free Agriculture in San Martín

We are pleased to share the video “Progress and Challenges in Achieving Sustainable, Deforestation-Free Agriculture in San Martín”, which presents the roadmap and agreements of the San Martín region (Peru) signed by government actors, agricultural cooperatives, civil society, companies and leading producers, to facilitate the transition towards low-emission rural development and deforestation-free agricultural production.

This progress has been possible thanks to the commitment and leadership of the Regional Government of San Martín, the Regional Technical Committees for Cocoa, Coffee and Oil Palm, and the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (MIDAGRI). Earth Innovation Institute facilitated this process, supporting the transition to more sustainable and responsible agricultural practices.

This achievement reflects the power of working together and the dedication to a greener and more prosperous future for all.

This video was produced within the framework of the Amazon InnovaTec Project implemented by Solidaridad Latinoamérica, Earth Innovation Institute and the Tocache Cacao de Aroma Cooperative Center, thanks to the support of the UKPACT Program and the British Embassy in Lima.


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