Brazil is South America’s largest country and encompasses the majority of the world’s largest tropical rainforest – the Amazon. And while it lies at the epicenter of the global environmental threat posed by unchecked deforestation, Brazil has historically achieved dramatic success in reducing deforestation rates even as soy and cattle production continue to grow. Can this progress be replicated in the face of current threats? We think so.
Where we work in Brazil
Our Strategy
Our goal in Brazil is big: to improve rural livelihoods through sustainable development in the Amazon and across the nation. We pursue this through strategic interventions ranging from global markets and climate negotiations to national and state policies to local institutional innovations. We work to promote consensus between farmers, government, businesses and NGOs around sustainability milestones, and we help ensure that adequate governance conditions, along with financial and regulatory incentives are in place for achieving these milestones.
We support small-scale producers through needed technical assistance and access to modern markets. Finally, we are implementing transparent, online systems for monitoring progress towards milestones for reducing deforestation, increasing production, and avoiding resource depletion.