

New online tool helps Indonesian government to achieve sustainable palm oil plantations

Earth Innovation Institute’s sister organization in Indonesia, INOBU, together with the Director General of Plantations at the Ministry of Agriculture and regents from the districts of Gunung Mas, Kotawaringin Barat and Seruyan (Central Kalimantan), announce a major new initiative for sustainable palm oil called SIPKEBUN – The Information and Performance Monitoring System for Sustainable Plantations. The initiative is part of their larger commitment to encourage sustainable oil palm plantations through a jurisdictional approach. SIPKEBUN enables the government to know who is growing oil palm, where they are growing it and how they are growing it. It includes an online system that integrates data and maps of all oil palm growers: from industrial scale estates to independent smallholder farmers. For the first time, the Indonesian government will be able to monitor online all oil palm growers and identify growers who are farming sustainably, and those who are clearing forests or burning their lands. It will also provide data on level of production and the socio-economic conditions of independent oil palm smallholders. SIPKEBUN is a powerful tool that enables local governments to streamline the process for issuing cultivation registration letters to smallholders, as well as effectively target interventions for improving the profitability of smallholder plantations.

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