

Caquetá Low-Emission Rural Development Strategy Launched

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-Florencia Caquetá, Colombian Amazon-

EII is proud to have supported an important meeting in Caquetá, Colombia. Representatives from the Department of Agriculture secretariat, producer organizations, research institutes (e.g. Sinchi), University of Amazonia, Fundación Picachos, Fondo Patrimonio Natural, The Nature Conservancy, the environmental authority Corpoamazonía, National Parks and EII discussed Caquetá’s Low-Emission Rural Development (LED-R). The meeting was part of the regional climate change planning process and the invitation to build a LED-R strategy was accepted by all.

Now EII, with the help of University of Amazonía (Caquetá), will develop a map of actors, policies and initiatives on the territory to define the best way to engage with all and build the strategy. EII is now a member of the secretariat for the regional climate change planning process.

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