
Tropical Forest Champions

Tropical Forest Champions is designed to make it easy and safe for companies and investors to partner with tropical forest states and regions that are striving for forest-, community- and climate-smart development.
The opportunity and the challenge: Tropical forest governments are poised to make major contributions to climate change solutions by slowing the loss and speeding the recovery of tropical forests. They won’t realize their potential without a rapid escalation in the number of partnerships they have with companies and investors.
A solution: Tropical Forest Champions (TFC) is a system for registering, tracking, incentivizing, and facilitating partnerships with tropical forest states and regions that are on the pathway to sustainable development. It helps jurisdictions become safe havens for companies and investors to do business in, providing an urgently needed complement to the strategies that make it risky to do business in regions where deforestation is taking place. It helps governments and their partners share the progress they are making, creating mechanisms for celebrating and rewarding this progress. It helps governments, companies and investors who share a commitment to sustainable development find each other and collaborate.

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