Claudia Stickler

Scientist & Senior Program Manager

Claudia Stickler received her B.S. degree in Biology and International Political Economy from the University of Puget Sound and her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Interdisciplinary Ecology from the University of Florida. She has lived and worked in regions across the tropics, including Cameroon, Suriname, Uganda, Brazil, and Indonesia. Her research focuses on the ecological and economic trade-offs of alternative land-uses and policies in tropical regions (including the Brazilian Amazon), using a range of tools and approaches. She has expertise in designing and implementing scoring systems for assessing jurisdictions’ progress toward sustainability and suitability for low-emission development and REDD+ interventions; conducting gap analyses related to environmental and social safeguards for global agricultural certification standards, global forest carbon certification standards, and international loans; and developing and implementing capacity-building materials and trainings on topics related to monitoring, reporting and verification, sustainability assessment, and multi-stakeholder engagement. She currently leads research on Land Use Planning and Regional Policy and serves in the Executive Management Team at Earth Innovation Institute. She has published 32 peer-review articles, 10 as lead author.

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