Luiza Muccillo

Lead, Climate Finance Strategies

Luiza holds a Bachelor's degree in Law from Cândido Mendes University (2005), a Postgraduate degree in Environmental Law from PUC-Rio (2007), a Master's degree in Social Sciences from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (2015) and a PhD in Environmental Science from the University of São Paulo (2024). In her master's research, she investigated the first two indigenous funds created for REDD+ benefit sharing and, in her doctorate, the repercussions of multi-level interactions that occurred in the REDD+ institutionalization process at the global, national and Brazilian Legal Amazon states levels on the governance of the mechanism in Brazil. Since graduating, she has worked in the environmental field, focusing on analyzing and proposing legal, institutional and financing solutions for private and public initiatives aimed at biodiversity conservation and climate mitigation and adaptation, especially in the Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use Change sector.

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