Maria Eduarda de Barros Malcher

Research and Engagement Lead, Pará

Maria Eduarda is a lawyer with a graduate degree in agrarian and environmental law from the University Center of Pará (CESUPA). She is also a rural producer in the interior of Pará state. At Earth Innovation Institute, she supports the development of low-emission policies in Pará, promoting sustainable practices in the rural sector. Between 2018 and 2019, Maria Eduarda worked at the Pará State Secretariat for the Environment and Sustainability, providing legal advice. She then worked at the Federation of Agriculture and Livestock of Pará (FAEPA), advising the working group on land issues. Her contribution was essential to the formulation of the proposals that resulted in Law 8.878 of 2019, also known as the Pará Land Law, which regulates the land regularization of rural and non-rural occupations on public lands in the state. Born into a family of farmers, Maria Eduarda grew up in direct contact with the countryside and socio-environmental issues, which influenced her professional career and her commitment to sustainability in agribusiness.

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