Warley Rodrigues

Coordinator of Farm Sector Engagement, Tocantins

Warley is from Tocantins and has over 20 years' experience in the environmental field. He has a degree in Tourism from ULBRA, a master's degree in Management of Protected Areas in the Amazon from INPA and a specialization in Administration and Management of Conservation Units from FAFILE. In his professional career, he has worked promoting participatory management, Ecology and Integrated Fire Management, Conservation of Sociobiodiversity and Management of Protected Areas. At the institutional level, he has experience in managing and modeling institutional processes, coordinating teams for strategic planning and Management for Results through the application of Management Excellence Models. He has worked in various institutions, such as the Tocantins Nature Institute (Naturatins), where he served as Director of Biodiversity and Protected Areas for more than 4 years, at the company Eco Time with work focused on restoring degraded areas, and as owner-director of the company 321-Fire, training technicians and firefighters in various regions, such as Jalapão, Cantão and indigenous lands. At Earth Innovation Institute, he coordinates farm sector engagement in various initiatives and programs in the State of Tocantins.

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